Every story page includes links to a range of social bookmarking/sharing websites. These sites allow you to store, tag and share links across the internet. You can share these links both with friends and people with similar interests. You can also access your links from any computer you happen to be using.
So, if you come across a Daft Bunny story that you find interesting and want to save for future reference or share it with other people, simply click on one of these links to add to your list. All of these sites are free to use but do require you to register. Once you have registered you can begin bookmarking. Each of the sites works slightly differently so use the links below to find out which service best suits your needs.
You can find out more about social bookmarking on Wikipedia. For more details about each of these services:
Did you know that Tin tin has a web site crammed with great artwork and online games at www.tintin.com. The rocket lander game is my favourite.
Matches people who have things they want to get rid of with people who can use them, keeping usable items out of landfills.
Home of Children’s ITV. Play CiTV games, watch videos, win prizes and find all your favourite shows on CiTV, including Art Attack.
My handmade cards are close to my heart, they are my signature. With their success I was able to make prints, mirrors, and furniture.
A selection of card designs made from finest quality papers. Cards are 10.5cm x 15cm.
Tesco instant Access and no restrictions on the number of withdrawals. Manage your account online and benefit from our highest savings rate. You’ll be able to access your savings account 24 hours a day, seven days a week online. No sitting in call queues or waiting for the bank to open…
Kickers have teamed up with Lego to create the ultimate childrens shoe. Kick Hi the classic retro boot has been given a modern make over for children and parents looking for a fun style shoe. The Kick Hi boot was originally a very famous style of the 80s era.